Relevante Literatur
Im Folgenden sind die 20 wichtigsten Fachartikel und Buchbeiträge sowie die zwei unserem Forschungsansatz zu Grunde liegenden Abschlussarbeiten genannt:
Allan, David (2010): They’re Playing My Brand. Product Placement in Popular Music. In: International Journal of Integrated Marketing Communications (Spring), S. 40-46.
Baksh-Mohammed, Sufyan; Callison, Coy (2014): “Listening to Maybach in My Maybach”: Evolution of Product Mention in Music Across the Millennium’s First Decade. In: Journal of Promotion Management 20 (1), S. 20-35.
Billboard (o. J. a): Billboard Charts Legend. General Information. Online verfügbar unter, zuletzt geprüft am 01.11.2020.
Craig, Clay; Bichard, Shannon (2014): London, lyrics, & Louis Vuitton: A cross-cultural content analysis of product placement in popular music. In: Southwestern Mass Communication Journal 30 (1), S. 1-31.
Craig, Clay; Flynn, Mark A.; Holody, Kyle J. (2017): Name Dropping and Product Mentions: Branding in Popular Music Lyrics. In: Journal of Promotion Management 23 (2), S. 258-276.
Delattre, Eric; Colovic, Ana (2009): Memory and perception of brand mentions and placement of brands in songs. In: International Journal of Advertising 28 (5), S. 807-842.
Ferguson, Nakeisha S. (2008): Bling-bling brand placements: Measuring the effectiveness of brand mentions in hip-hop music. Dissertation. The University of Texas at Austin, Austin.
Ferguson, Nakeisha S.; Burkhalter, Janée N. (2015): Yo, DJ, That’s My Brand: An Examination of Consumer Response to Brand Placements in Hip-Hop Music. In: Journal of Advertising 44 (1), S. 47-57.
GfK Entertainment (o. J. a): Wie werden die Charts erstellt? Online verfügbar unter, zuletzt geprüft am 01.11.2020.
Gloor, Storm (2014): Songs As Branding Platforms? A Historical Analysis of People, Places, and Products in Pop Music Lyrics. In: MEIEA Journal 14 (1), S. 39-60.
Gregorio, Federico de; Sung, Yongjun (2009): Giving a shout out to Seagram’s gin: Extent of and attitudes towards brands in popular songs. In: Journal of Brand Management 17 (3), S. 218-235.
Karniouchina, Ekaterina V.; Uslay, Can; Erenburg, Grigori (2016): The Case for Product Placement. In: Rutgers Business Review 1 (1), S. 77-83.
Kilian, Karsten; Zocher, Kathrin (2021): Markenhitparade: Brand Name Placements in den Musikcharts. In: Markenartikel 83 (10), S. 32-35.
Kurz, Tamara (2014): Verwendung von Markennamen in Pop-Songs. Am Beispiel der Top 100 Jahres-Platzierungen in Deutschland und den USA. Bachelorarbeit. Hochschule Würzburg-Schweinfurt.
Metcalfe, Tim; Ruth, Nicolas (2020): Beamer, Benz, or Bentley: Mentions of products in hip hop and R&B music. In: International Journal of Music Business Research 9 (1), S. 41-62.
Rathmann, Peggy (2014): Medienbezogene Effekte von Product Placement. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.
Schemer, Christian; Matthes, Jörg; Wirth, Werner; Textor, Samuel (2008): Does “Passing the Courvoisier” always pay off? Positive and negative evaluative conditioning effects of brand placements in music videos. In: Psychology & Marketing 25 (10), S. 923-943.
SocialTracker (2020): Top 50 Instagram users by followers. Online verfügbar unter, zuletzt geprüft am 03.06.2021.
van Vaerenbergh, Yves (2017): Consumer reactions to paid versus unpaid brand name placement in song lyrics. In: Journal of Product & Brand Management 26 (2), S. 151-158.
van Vaerenbergh, Yves; van de Sompel, Dieneke; van Loock, Neal; Vermeir, Iris (2011): The Impact of Brand Name Placement in Song Lyrics on Brand Attitudes: Does the Attitude toward the Artist Matter? In: Shintaro Okazaki (Hrsg.): Advances in Advertising Research (Vol. 2). Wiesbaden: Gabler, S. 21-33.
Zocher, Kathrin (2021): Hitparade der Marken. Eine vergleichende Studie zu Brand Name Placement in den deutschen und US-amerikanischen Top-100-Musikcharts von 2014 bis 2019. Unveröffentlichte Masterarbeit. Hochschule Würzburg-Schweinfurt.

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